Dead Deer Removal and Pickup in Columbus, Ohio
Are you looking for someone in Columbus Ohio to pickup a dead deer on your property, or perhaps a city owned property? There are a few things you should know before contacting someone.
If the deceased deer is located more than 150 feet away from the public road, the city will not come to remove. In cases where the deer has died on private property, it becomes the homeowners responsibility.
Feel free to contact Buckeye Wildlife Solutions for a free over the phone quote on dead deer removal off private property in Columbus, OH and surrounding areas – (844)-544-9453
If you are seeking to contact the city for dead deer pickup off city owned property (parks, public paths, public roads) call HandsOn Central Ohio at (614) 221-6766 Website:
Buckeye Wildlife Solutions wants you to know that we are here for all your dead animal removal needs. In many cases the deer will already be rotting away. These can be sticky jobs and often requires the carcass to be disassembled and bagged. Our price for coming out to remove the deer will also be dependent on that factor. It can take a lot longer to remove the deer when decomposition has reached a certain point. When maggots are present on the body it’s a sure sign the carcass has surpassed this point and it will take a lot of guts to get it done, no pun intended…