We hope that you’re finding everything you need here on our main site. With any luck, our content and testimonials will have convinced you that our expert staff is more than capable of handling your wildlife and property issues. We do, however, understand if you need a little more convincing. Feel free to browse our dozens of glowing reviews on Angie’s List, follow us on Facebook, or check out our affiliate pages. For relevant, topical updates, check out our blog – you can also find it on the main menu at the top of your screen!
If you aren’t familiar with Angie’s List, we highly recommend you check out our profile on their site. Angie’s List is a service which crowdsources public reviews of businesses all across the country. Their goal is to keep you as informed as possible so that you make great decisions about business to hire for your every need. Customers can rate their experience using letter grades (A+, B-. etc.) and also leave a written review. We have included several testimonials on our site – mostly from Angie’s List.
Our blog is updated weekly (about two posts per week). Each post covers a topic that relates to the current wildlife situation in Columbus, OH and surrounding areas. The posts may be more informational (about one particular species), or cover a certain pattern or natural phenomenon (migration). Keeping up with us is a guaranteed way to make sure you don’t get blind-sided by pests!