Spider Removal & Pest Control Services – Columbus, OH
Columbus, Ohio is home to many species of spiders that dwell both inside and outside the home. Buckeye Wildlife Solutions specializes in spider prevention and control. Although the typical Ohio spider does not present a danger to your or your family, they can be unsightly and very frightening. Luckily Buckeye Wildlife Solutions is here to help. With our integrated pest management techniques we can get rid of the spiders dwelling in and around your home. Call today for a quote on spider treatments in Columbus, OH – both residential & commercial pest control services.
Buckeye Wildlife Solutions
Call: 419-982-5502 OR 844-544-9453
Open Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM
Spiders are the hunters of the bug world and control the population of other unwanted creatures such as mosquitoes, aphids and even stinging insects. With an all encompassing pest plan however, you can limit the populations of all bugs, spiders included. The population of spiders depends on the environment around them. For instance, unkempt grass or shrubs can cultivate an excellent shelter for spiders. If there is a plethora of other bug activity, spiders will inevitably grow in population as well. Interior spiders are no different. An unclean house offers a plethora of hiding shelters for spiders and the climate control inside helps spiders live and dwell all year round.
There are many types of spiders in Ohio including jumping spiders, garden spiders and orb weavers, wolf spiders and very occasionally brown recluses. Many of our clients express concerns over the possibility of venomous spiders in their yard or home. Although the brown recluse is usually relegated to the southern part of the country, they are sometimes found in southern and central Ohio transported here via shipping containers and other methods of travel. No spider found in Ohio is necessarily aggressive, but if they feel threatened or perceive that their life is in danger, they will defend themselves. An example of this would be a spider that is hiding in a shoe or a piece of clothing. Perceiving that it is about to be crushed and is in imminent danger will instinctively bite. Buckeye Wildlife Solutions not only offers the preventative maintenance and treatment plans but we also recommend DIY control and preventative measures.
Not To Worry, BWS Is Here For YOU!
Although spiders cause no damage, they can cause anxiety and fears. BWS offers peace of mind and a healthy environment for you and your family, free of troublesome pests like spiders. Not only can we take care of and manage certain pests through out your property, we provide clients with tips and tricks so that they can manage their home for free. Buckeye Wildlife Solutions isn’t one of those companies that tries to take you to the cleaners. We simply want to make our clients happy and healthy with a home free of anxiety and fear.